Hey Yu!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

an interesting wked...

a 3-self ch. (g0v't approved) the service had a pretty formal liturgy. my favorite part was when they sang hymns. oh, actually my doubly favorite part was when the children's choir went up and sang 2 songs - one was "You are so special and no one can replace you" and the other was "My home is in heaven."
an incredibly beautiful building!

the kids singing...

as i said in my email, i've met a lot of brothers and sisters here. this wked has been a most encouraging one - lots from me to them but even more from them to me!

one native girl, J, shared how she recently met some F@mily members from NK. they're moving back to NK to share the S+ory and literally risking their lives to do so. J exclaimed, "I'm so thankful to be living in this country where i can study the W0rd!" What??? What amazing perspective!

and what ALIVE-ness there is here amongst the family. really, it's an outgoing love, very active, very tangible... i feel so lucky to be here, to be a part of this!

other than that, we've been having fun in other ways -
Us at the tomb of Huang-di, the first emperor. Dennis was our translator for the day.

a statue of Huang-di in the main building

we rented bikes for about 15.5 cents and rode thru town and the neighboring village. Elly attends the school we're at so she was helpful in getting us around.

this is us at a local restaurant. we ate dumplings in soup for about 37 cents. woo-hoo! and it was so yummy i went back for lunch the next day...

and this looks totally shady but he makes the most awesome "pancake/crepe" concoction. it's pretty darn delicious and i'm planning on going back there tonight... well, back "there" means i have to walk down the street and find this man, wherever he may be "parked" for the evening...

thanks for thinking of us here!


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