Hey Yu!

Friday, February 20, 2004

A little weirded out and very sore

My dreams the past few days have clouded me with confusion – why am I dreaming such things?

3 nights ago: someone came to my school and methodically and brutally murdered the top members of the administration and all the department chairs. I was so sad when I woke up and then just simply freaked out. What the heck?

2 nights ago, John Kerry had to drop out of the Democratic presidential race because Edwards took such a major portion of the CA primaries – uhhhh, I think that’s a sign that I’ve been listening to too much NPR?? I honestly never spend waking hours thinking about poltitics – why dream of it?

And then last night, was at a friend’s house and even though they had several cats (all black kittens), they also had many many baby white mice with bright red eyes crawling around all over their place. At least this one I think I can understand – I gave a powerpoint, mini-lecture yesterday to my kids about how scientists test drugs on lab mice to find cures for cancer and recounted stories when I worked at MD Anderson Cancer hospital.

I’ve never dreamed very vividly, but it’s strange - the past few months have been filled with dreams – most of them definitely not as weird as these. Usually and unfortunately, they’re about work – like checking in a new student, forgetting someone’s name, giving a test with many many typos…mundane stuff like that.

Maybe this is a preamble to begin dreaming again during the day – dreaming of the future. I haven’t thought about it in a long time – am I going to teach forever? Will I teach 7th grade science at this particular school forever? Do I want to go back to grad school? What would I study? Do I want to do something else entirely? Hmm…maybe that’s why I don’t think about it – too much! Overload!


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