Hey Yu!

Thursday, March 11, 2004

a whole blog about unhealthy things...

obesity is soon going to overtake smoking as the #1 leading cause of preventable deaths.
wow - i feel so sad when i look at my students. so many of them are overweight. i definitely had some baby fat in the late elementary-early junior high years, but it's nothing like my kids. This isn't the type of fat that you can just grow out of... it's obvious to see where it came from since they spend all nutrition and lunch eating Hot Cheetos and sodas. They got rid of the caffinated sodas at school to reduce the hyperactivity, but there's a long way to go in terms of making the food better. On NPR (yes, again) - there was an article about Texans. I think the number was something like 35% of the current kids are in danger of being obese and getting type II diabetes. So the dept of agriculture and food decided to be a LOT more strict on food in schools - they're still selling snacks but only options like fruit, crackers and baked chips. They don't want to stop concessions and vending machines because it brings in money, but they want to convince companies to make healthier alternatives. I think that's such a great idea - especially in Texas. I once read that the average size of women's clothes in Houston is 10. In LA, the average was 6. That's a big difference. Granted, the importance of image in LA isn't good - actually, i hate it - but a little positive peer pressure can be healthy.

But talking about unhealthy - i'm addicted.
hello, my name's michele and i'm addicted to anime. the first step is admitting it. darn it, they're just sooo good! i think that my favorite ones are generally about guys and gals in school. Maybe b/c i love seeing how their schools are run? I envy the way their system is organized and how important school is - and also the fun student-initiated festivals they have. yes, boring premise - there's a whole world of anime that deals with
uber-technology (they LOVE those big robot dudes!) and i like those too, but i enjoy the ones that deal with regular, everyday life and people. I think that they are incredibly
insightful in how folks deal with each other - in both friendships and also in relationships.
The one i'm currently watching is Marmalade Boy - the main characters are juniors in high school and there's all these love triangles going on. Cheesy, very cheesy - but it's such a great combination of cheese, humor, cuteness, and sad, painful stuff - a combination that most American movies and shows can't touch. And there's a lot of merit to having series - there's so much character development that you really get to know and love them. Doesn't sound like i'm ready to give up this addiction yet, huh? Well, I'm on episode 38 of this series. It goes until 78? I haven't been getting much sleep lately...


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