Hey Yu!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

things that have made me happy recently:

-the cleansing, peaceful feeling that comes with the sound of pouring rain

-the rain cleaning off my car a little

-staying at the Fairmont for a science teachers' conference in San Jose this past weekend and getting to play in the pool by myself (no one else was there b/c it was too cold)

-seeing some old friends

-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

-old students from last year who visit and want to be back in my class

-a really yummy Cuban dinner

-the fact that the clock in my car is 12 minutes fast and that it takes me exactly 12 minutes to get to school in the morning. i have my ETA as soon as i start up the car. incidentally, i just noticed that my bedroom clock is 15 minutes fast and it takes me exactly 15 minutes to get up and out the door. (i didn't plan either of those - my clocks just get faster and faster and i never reset them.)

-receiving my credential in the mail! woo-hoo...all done!

-friends who forgive my moodiness last week

-running on a treadmill (a shocker considering i'm not into exercising...at all)

-spending time alone (double shocker... usually i'm so people-dependent)

-winning this week's fantasy football match-up - it was close


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