Hey Yu!

Monday, March 15, 2004

inspiration and responsibility.

my weekend was so reinvigorating in so many ways.

right now i have $100 in my hands given to me by Great Exchange church in Santa Clara and i need to use it for His kingdom.

I visited the Bay Area this weekend for a middle school teacher's conference. While attending some of the best workshops i've ever been to, I was inspired to continue in my work - that i can be effective and that i have efficacy. I met some of the strongest women in this field who have helped transform disadvantaged schools into achieving schools. helped changed the lives of underpriviledged children into successful students. women i wouldn't mind being in 20 years. wow. I also received concrete tools to help exact those changes in my own personal classroom and school.

in addition, i attended a sermon about a parable in Matt 25- the master who goes away leaving various numbers of talents with 3 servants. Two use the money to make double the amount, and one hides it away because of his fear of the master. I was so motivated to rededicate all of my life to His will and way. I think i've been stuck in a comfort zone of routine. But i want to move into the sphere of conscious decisions and choices about how to spend my time and how to be more loving - not only with my friends but with others too. When the pastor asked people to come to the front, people who felt this call - I went. And then the surprise. He passed out $100 bills to everyone in front and assigned us a Kingdom assignment. "This is not your money," he said and told us to find ways to further God's glory with it in 45 days and return with our report. What an amazing, tangible illustration and lesson of the parable.

I was hit by so much desire to use the knowledge and tools and renewed heart I got this weekend but I am equally hit with the immense responsibility of it. But it's a good responsibility, one that gives me purpose instead of undue burden. I am just so thankful for this past weekend in everyway.


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