Hey Yu!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

i finished writing my support letter last night and i guess it put me in the writing mood. too bad i have nothing of substance to write about! haha...too bad for YOU, i mean. =)

so here are some random lists for no reason at all -

things i really wish i could put in my pocket & carry w/ me to pull out at any time:
*a good book
*a funny thought that can make me laugh out loud
*a parking spot!!
*unlimited gallons of gas from when it used to be $1.05/gal
*a blue, cloudless day

things i've been for the last several halloweens (i dress up for school):
*a princess
*a French witch (i was too cheap to go buy a witch's hat so i wore my beret)...that's me w/ my coworker this year
*a chicken head
*an M&M

things i love to do but don't get to do often enough:
*play games (strategy games and cards)
*swing dance/salsa
*swim (or rather, splash around in aquatic bodies since i can't really swim)
*play w/ babies

things i love to do & luckily get to do fairly often:
*eat sweets (too much!)
*watch anime
*talk (to anyone who will listen...haha!)
*be outdoors

things my mom is pressuring me to do:
*learn how to cook
*laugh less loudly
*act more feminine

on a related note, i got into a heated talk w/ my mom last night when she called to share her concerns about my travels this summer. her biggest apprehension is not for my safety or the logistics...but "when are you going to have time to find a husband if you keep going all over the place??" she told me i need to concentrate more effort on this area of my life. =)

hmm...i'm not exactly sure what all she means by that but one of her suggestions was to do something about my unruly hair. so today i got it cut. at the salon, the stylist used a flat-ironed... how does it look? (oh, and please ignore the messy room in the background!) A few weeks ago when Nina straightened my hair before church, no one recognized me! Do i look more "sophisticated?" It took the lady about 30 minutes to flat-iron it. I could buy one myself and use it but...

things i'd rather do for 30 minutes other than styling my hair:
*talk on the phone
*any of the items in the 3rd & 4th lists above
*write random, meaningless blogs

Actually, my relatives gave me $100 for my birthday towards getting a straight perm (which only covers 1/2 the cost!), but...

things I'd rather buy w/ $100:
*a day and a half of snowboarding
*dinner for friends
*3/4ths of a plane ticket to the bay area
*29.4 gallons of gas (to go on a short road trip)
*2 visas to China
*and what i actually bought - hiking shoes and an anime dvd

i think my mom would give me a "D-" for effort towards the husband search...but you can't blame me, being single has been a lot of fun! =)


  • hi, you made me laugh, how you would talk about something and then go into a list like that. i think the hair looks great!!!
    -dianna m.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 11, 2006 at 7:32 AM  

  • straight hair really does make you look different! even when you had a straight perm back a few years ago, i dont remember it looking like that. anyhoo. $200 is steep for a perm. good choice on your purchase.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 15, 2006 at 2:19 PM  

  • this is gloria. you look really different with that hair!! very korean drama-ish. i mean that as a compliment (mostly). =) and look at how sexy you look in the frech lacy thing ... send that pic to your mom and tell her she doesn't need to worry ... not that you're lacking attention from the boys. =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 24, 2006 at 11:43 PM  

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