Hey Yu!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

and just like that...it's christmas

this is an inherently stressful time of year for me b/c it involves something i'm not good at: shopping. i've found, though, that i'm a lot better at buying things for other people than i am at buying for myself (although, that's not saying much). at least it makes the crowded, aimless wandering around malls a bit more bearable.

and w/ the 70+ degree weather in LA, it hasn't exactly felt like the "holiday season" - even w/ 2 parties under my belt. up until yesterday, the most festive i felt was in Korea and that was only b/c i was all bundled up in scarves, gloves, and my thick coat.

but last night, everything changed... my roommate and I trekked over to Home Depot for our 2nd annual tree:

waiting to purchase the 5-footer. we got lucky - the first tree that we "unwrapped" ended up being attractively symmetrical. and the line was also quite a bit shorter than last year's.

being a fob in front of the trimming area. if you look closely, i'm wearing my Astrocamp sweatshirt. =)

the final result - isn't it just darn cute?

so yup, just like that, it's Christmas.
i love that my roommate gets so giddy with excitment over getting a tree b/c in the end, it's worth all the trouble.

and b/c i like lists so much, here are some other random
things i love:
*having $ to spend on others & wrapping presents
*free clothes from my roommate
*Keanu Reeves' character in the very cheesy movie The Lake House
*sci-fi - when did i become such a geek?
*Henry from Ugly Betty (what a terrific smile!)
*Korean comedies & tear-jerker dramas
*having students who:
a) tell me stuff like seeing a shooting star the other day
or listening to their pet gerbil's fast heartbeat
b) help me take out my splinters
c) run towards me at full speed and then leap into a bear hug
*having enough underwear to not have to do laundry for a ridiculously long time

it's commercialized and all that, but it is a nice time of year to reflect on all the joyous and silly reasons to celebrate life, esp. the one life that was given up so that we may truly live.


  • i love Christmas! tree looks great. our office tree isn't holding up too well, but it does add to the holiday spirit. haha~ you love keanu reeves' character in the lake house? cause he waited 4 years? =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 12, 2006 at 2:48 PM  

  • oh no.... not the lake house. i saw that on the plane from fiji. and i almost wanted to die. haha. i do like keanu more than most ppl do though. and i like sandra too. too bad the movie wasn't that good. maybe it was because half of the dialogue was missing b/c the sound wasnt that good. haha. we got a tree too. it's pretty pitiful, but i love it. i don't remember the last time i had a tree... and a real one at that!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 15, 2006 at 8:29 AM  

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