prep for my trip
t-22 hours till departure!
Since i won't have a formal orientation for my trip this summer, a couple girls and i decided to go on a retreat to spend some quality time w/God. we shared our recent reflections on life and had personal devos... it was water for my soul. speaking of which, we stayed at a hotel in the desert (near Palm Springs) with temperatures above 115, so we also spent quite a bit of time in the pool!
hours and hours during sat afternoon, evening, and sun morning passed while we were here... considering i don't know how to swim, that's a lot of time! so what did i do? splash, play, laugh like i'm on crazy pills... =) and boy am i dark now!
i got practice mixing cultures when my coworkers took me out for a goodbye party (since i'll be switching schools). i introduced them all to the wonderful world of KARAOKE!
why does time pass by so quickly in that little room??
my filipino coworker made this for me... haha!
and one very serendipitous discovery i've made recently is that all those months of hiking really strengthened my quads which will help me when i'm using squatty potties all summer! t.m.i?? heehee i ready? not quite, but i'm thrilled to have the opportunity to spend my summer just loving kids. i ready? not quite, but i'm thrilled to have the opportunity to spend my summer just loving kids.
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