Hey Yu!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Notable things this Week:
Thing I'm most sorry about: Failing to mention in my previous post that my roommate's boyfriend made this year's xmas tree shopping much easier by doing all the lifting and such. (there, Mr. K, feel better now? heehee)

Saddest thing: already breaking my diet "plan" a million times b/c of the sweets in our faculty lounge. arg...gaining 20 lbs since Jan sucks but trying to lose it sucks more!

Favorite meal: (see the pic) dining at a yummy fusion bistro...i had pistachio-crusted mahi mahi. as happens so often, i was the 5th wheel.

Favorite tv show: (well, the only show i've seen now that Ugly Betty is taking a break) Battlestar Galactica...yes, i'm a geek, that was much established in my last post.

Scariest thing to do: call back parents who are angry about their child's grade/comment on the most recent report card

Favorite thing to do in the car: listen to books on tape - especially HARRY POTTER!! but i don't know how safe it is for others on the road...several times, i've teared up during the moments of self-sacrifice and loyalty.

Favorite pampered moment: sitting in my ex-coworker's backyard hottub after a delightful ladies' wine tasting party

Favorite present I bought: sports equipment (a basketball & a Nerf football) for my Angel Tree child on behalf of his parent who is in prison

Favorite Bible passage read: "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ"

Favorite conversation I overhead: 4th graders intensely discussing whether or not they believed in Santa

Most random favor asked of me: to change someone's A-string on his violin

Most frequent question i asked myself after receiving xmas presents at school: are my students trying to tell me something? I've received make-up, perfume, and anti-wrinkle cream...either they're just trying to be nice or they're saying that i'm ugly, smell bad, and look old. =)

Favorite fact told to me by a student: the capital of Sri Lanka has 23 letters in its name

Favorite thing seen while i was on supervision duty during recess: a 5th grader who laid down on his side, lifted his hands above his head, and rolled from one side of the field clear across to the other side...just 'cause. i asked my coworker if that was normal behavior and apparently, it is. =)

whew...busy but funny week!


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