Hey Yu!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

i was *mad* that i had to return to work this week (my shortest vacation ever!)... but you know what? seeing the kids again totally makes a world of difference. gosh, i missed them!


i feel illiterate.

not having read/finished LoTR & The Brothers Karamazov has always made me feel that way, but this year in particular, i've read fewer books than ever. i used to be someone people asked when they wanted book suggestions. sadly, i no longer am.

i've reflected on why and i guess the reason's not all that bad... spending more and more time reading the Bible + journaling has killed my evening hr before bed but in the end, i'd say that's a good thing.

nevertheless, anyone have any good book suggestions?? i'm dying for some good reads!

let me say, though, that there were still quite a # of notable favorites this year:
Biography: The Heavenly Man
Literature: East of Eden (wow, Steinbeck has such a beautiful way with words & insight into human character...but you gotta get past that 1st chapter - boring!)
Modern lit: The Time Traveler's Wife
Sci-fi: anything by Asimov
Book in the Bible: 1 & 2 Kings
Re-read: Narnia series

here are some other Best of 2006 lists (w/ totally arbitrary categories)

In the Mood for Love
Action: Casino Royale
Re-seen:Love Actually

Foreign: Dae Jang Geum (hands down the best series ever...such an amazing depiction of a great disciple. go Korean dramas!)
Domestic: Firefly
Anime: Honey & Clover

"You're adaptable, accomodating, and easy to live with." from the Scott's this summer
Domestic: "You're beautiful." (obviously) from my daddy. =)

taken during xmas break...this is the 6th try w/ the timer. i look just like my dad...no wonder he thinks i'm good looking. =) that's my morning face - for some reason, i'm always more "puffy" in the mornings. if i ever get married, i need to be an evening bride.

the mangoes in the Philippines. whoa, i miss them!


Online sermon: “God loves us where we're at, but He never leaves us where we're at.” (by Paul Matthies)
PCC sermon: “A good community group is one where you can dare to be a sinner and hope to be healed” (by Rankin Wilbourne)
Devotional: “Unless we can look at the darkest, blackest fact full in the face w/o damaging God’s character, we do not yet know Him.” & “Have we come to the place where God can withdraw His blessings and it does not affect our trust in Him?” (by Oswald Chambers)


i changed my guitar strings for the first time in ~5 yrs. i put Elixers on my very cheapo Tak and it reminds me how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things b/c my Tak sounds *fantastic*! it's also a lesson in how i can get so used to "mudpies"/the unimpressive low standard when there's a whole other level out there.

so in the hopes that i won't get stuck in a mire & remain content as i am, i made some goals for 2007:
-stepping up my leadership and service for God (perhaps leading a team this summer???)
-learning skills for conflict management & resolution - i realized that i'm no good at it in the classroom, partly b/c i don't know how to do it in my own life - so this is definitely an area of needed growth
-cooking & exercising

i actually loved a lot about 2006...a good learning year for me in many ways and though hitting 2007 includes a HS reunion (can it already have been 10 yrs??), i'm looking forward to the new experiences God will bring my way.


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