Hey Yu!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Blogging A.D.D.
sry, so much has gone on that this post is going to be long and crazy random...

first of all, it was a Happy Halloween.

what a day - fun b/c the kids were so excited and we got to see the creativity of the staff, but energy-draining as well - WAAYY too much sugar action.

thanks, Capt. Ko, for lending me your fatigues. Quite a costume - i had students saluting me all day, although I was informed that my sunglasses were too fashionable to be standard issue from the Air Force. the cutest moment was during our parade when a 1st grader pointed to me and said, "Look, a G.I. Joe!"

later that night, i got to go trick-or-treating w/ Tinkerbell and Dora.

on another note, for my friends far away, thx for asking how we're coping w/ the fires here in SoCal. luckily, none of it was too close to me (and thank God friends in SD are okay!), but the pollution from smoke and ashes clouded up the sky for a few days. even the night air was strange:
looks like a lunar eclipse...

speaking of which, it was time for ASTROCAMP again...
though incredibly tiring (i re-lost my voice there), i had a lot of fun. this grp of 6th graders has a lot of heart, which makes it all worth it.

this is the sky coaster i talked about last year... (i hope this video works!)

i think you could hear me screaming for miles.

i also got to try & see some new things:
this was my first attempt at rock climbing... and you know, it was kinda neat. however, that's factoring in that this was a simulation of Mars, and the pulleys holding up our ropes made us 40 lbs lighter. w/o that i don't think i would've made it to the top!

and this was just WAY cool...

hydrogen balloons. =) again, that's me w/ the scream.

other things that made me happy recently:

-babysitting this lovely lady:
can i say it enough times how special i feel that she knows my name? we had a good time together...

-going to a free ballroom dance class. we were just taught the basic steps (all of which i knew) but i still had a blast, esp. b/c a mom brought all 4 of her sons and 1/2 my partners ended up being under the age of 18. it was so cute.

-dinner w/ good friends:
lots of laughs, and a & j have their own rotisserie machine & made some yummy chicken!

i got to take my ex-coworker and her parents out for some homestyle korean food. i really love spending time w/ my friends' families.

& speaking of good meals, i made a really yummy butternut squash soup w/o a recipe. i was highly impressed. =)

on w/ my list:
-going to the circus!
well, okay...does cirque count as a real circus? i had been to another CdS show before, but Corteo was awesome. nonsensical storyline but magical...like watching a studio ghibli film. for me, the best part was the humor - i was definitely either laughing or had my mouth hanging open the entire time.

-going to a musical:
we went to see Jekyll & Hyde in a small theatre. very well done...

and like the musical, i've been dealing w/ the duality of my human nature. the "incongruous combination" of the potential for both infinite good and infinite evil. i know how depraved i am, but do i really know?

recently, i've been struggling w/ the concept of forgiveness. how come sometimes i just don't want to forgive? and that may not sound all that bad, but it can lead to a very dark place - a place far from God's design. but just as i've confronted more anger w/in than ever before, i've also learned more about dependence on Him. He is the only source of true forgiveness. and daily, I am a new creation, made in His image but also being made in His image.

anyways, 2 BIG blessings:
#1 - my new roommate... things didn't have to work out this well since i'd never even met her before she moved in but it's been great. within the first few days, i knew that i could trust her - through and through, really trust her. and that has only grown as we've committed to praying together once a week.

plus, she's gotta be the most encouraging person i've ever met when i comes to me and sports. i've never in my life felt like a natural at anything before, but she's got me convinced that i have some innate Frisbee talent! or maybe it's just part of her plan to get more Ultimate playmates. nevertheless, it's fun.

#2 - the Sunday school series at my church led by albert. he's one of the best teachers i've ever had. Genesis was already my favorite book of the Bible, but how much more do i love it now? Just in the first 12 chapters, there's such poetic beauty that persistently proclaims God's stubborn determination to dwell with us. wow.

& even more than the vast stores of research that's put into his teaching (the intellectual integrity), it's his heart that touched me the most. i'm lucky to have friends who so thoroughly believe in God's sovereign plan and heart for the nations. it keeps me excited and makes my worship exhilarating. i think that's true community.

anyways, to top off my very jumbled blog, the long-awaited-for clip: watch for when the guy pushes me off (don't worry, i had asked him to do it since i was too chicken to dive off myself)...

and yes, i now realize how *stupid* i was to be persuaded to do this by the price... and how i could've *died.* did you see when i bounced up and the cord could've wrapped around me? eeeek! but i'm alive and feel very protected.

yay, the end. whew!



    OMG - my heart fell to the floor watching you be pushed off to bungee jump or whatever that was. You crazy or something??

    OMG - Is that Tina's daughter you babysat?? How cute is she! Wish you were around here so we could hire you for Abby.

    By Blogger jieungrace, at November 2, 2007 at 10:50 PM  

  • i havent seen the videos yet (my computer at work can't support it or something) - but you went bungee jumping?? crazy.

    so steph's taken you out to throw the disk (disc?) around, huh? yeah, she made me feel like a natural too. haha. but i'm glad things are working out btwn you two. talk soon-

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 5, 2007 at 10:21 AM  

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