Hey Yu!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

so yes, another entry about cars. no one writes about something this often unless they're crazy about it... maybe i'm just crazy.

after my 2nd accident, i went home to Texas. although the trip was planned a few weeks prior, i thought with grateful appreciation how serendipitously timed the mini-vacation was. i needed to get away from all the mess of the last few weeks and definitely not drive.

my plane landed at 6am (a red-eye) and my brother was there to pick me up. He'd already dressed for work and so he wanted to drop me off at my parents' deli. I could have breakfast w/ them and then take one of their cars home. The drive is one straight-shot on the freeway and even that made me anxious. I wasn't sure i was up for it, but i thought, "Golly, what else could happen?" another flat apparently... Driving my parents' accord home, i encountered a slight shiver in the steering wheel and a "thud-ump, thud-ump, thud-ump" noise. Paranoia struck me but i calmed myself... I honestly thought it was a helicopter and so i kept looking up, but alas, nothing in sight. As my heart started pounding harder and harder, i decided it was just safer to exit and so i did. I needed to convince myself it was nothing. But, when i got out of the car, the same tire that had been flat on my car and caused that terrible first accident was flat on this car. I have NO idea why i traveled at 70mph safely for at least 4 miles on wet road before exiting the freeway - my only explanation was that i had been showered in prayer after my 1st 2 accidents and I was just protected. It's amazing.

i'm a little freaked from driving right now. i haven't gone beyond a 4-mile radius in the last 1.5 weeks. on thanksgiving, though, i'm supposed to meet my friend and her family in Irvine. Eeeeeek! I don't know if i can make it. I went on the freeway last week for a short stretch 2 exits away and i could barely breathe. we'll see. i'm hoping prayer will work on this trip too. I feel like such a "girl" being scared of driving on the freeway. And if i drive extra safely, people are going to look in the car and go, "Oh, it's a dumb Asian girl bad driver..." but i think i'm just going to have to take it. circumstances can't be helped.


A few weeks ago, i was thinking about my future and the things i'd like to have. i think this list might be a little edited to include a SAFE CAR WITH TIRES THAT NEVER POP OR SKID but here are 3 of the items.

1. A washing machine and dryer.
2. A treadmill.
3. A baby.

I don't know if i'll ever be rich enough to own a washer/dryer b/c you have to pretty much own a home, but i wouldn't mind living in an apt that had a built-in unit... it's just that i hate having to save up all my quarters all the time, having to go downstairs, and worrying that someone else is already using the machine. In addition, if i ever do have a baby, i'd end up having to do WAY more laundry (babies spit and leak a lot), and i don't want to worry about running downstairs all the time to do it.

I also don't know if i'll ever have the space to own a treadmill but this, i wouldn't mind an apt building that had one downstairs. you don't have to feed quarters into it to make it work and I don't think i'd mind as much waiting for someone to get done. I want a treadmill because i enjoy running on one. I run so slowly that running outside actually is quite boring b/c the scenery doesn't change much. I stare at the same point for 10 minutes before i ever get to it and by then, i'm kind of tired of running. The beach is invigorating b/c it's outdoors but rollerblading always seems so much more efficient. At least on a treadmill, i would be able to watch tv or read a magazine to keep my mind occupied and away from thoughts like, "I'm running, I'm running, I'm still running...maybe i want to stop?"

And the baby. I really really want a baby. I've wanted one since i was 5-years-old. And when i found out how babies are born, i've never ceased being in awe of the wonderment and beauty of having a LIFE grow inside of you - a personality, a soul. As my friends start to have babies, i realize more and more my desire to have children. They bring such joy into my life and i can't even explain why. i can stare for hours at one and yes, i'm one of the freaks who goes up to random strangers and smiles at their babies. I wondered if i would be satisfied just living near people who have babies but i think utlimately, I want to share in a child's life more intimately than as a neighbor or relative. But then, gosh-darn-it, I need a husband. That, of course, would also bring a lot of joy into my life... But let's go with the scenario that I never get married. (i don't know why my mind wandered this tangentially) I would be saddened that i never get to experience pregnancy, but I think I decided that I want children so badly i would/could adopt one from China. Okay, there are a plethora of issues with this one.

1. Would it be okay to raise a child in a single-parent home? I know a lot of single moms and I'm in so much awe of them... so many of them are absolutely amazing people, but even the non-Christian ones know that sometimes, their child just needs a father. But then i think, if i adpot a child, wouldn't it be better for the child to be raised in a Christian home in the US rather than in an orphanage? Wouldn't one parent be better than none?
2. Am I strong enough to raise a child on my own? As much as I'd like to, I don't know if i can. I am happiest when I'm helping/serving others but a child is not something you can take a break from. Would it be merely self-serving to have a child? I think i'm not being realistic about the hugeness of the responsibility.
3. Would i even be able to afford a child? Dang it, this one makes me the saddest. On my dumb low teacher's salary, sometimes I feel like i can barely afford myself and these last few weeks have taught me that freak-accidents happen that can deplete hard-earned savings. I got a raise this year b/c of my credential but I'm still not sure that's enough to have a kid, esp. if you factor in a nanny or day-care. We'll see...
4. Should I still adopt even if i do get married? If i can make all these arguments for adopting a child out-of-wedlock, even if I were able to bear my own children, shouldn't I consider helping those in need within the bounds of marriage?

That's a short list of the circles and circles of arguments I've been having w/ myself (mostly in the shower). They keep me amused and occupied but in the end, i need to recognize that I could have nothing but God and should still be satisfied. Be satisfied in Him alone.


  • Michele...oh my goodness!!! I just read thru your recent blogs and sooo much craziness has happened to you. This is some very thoughtful stuff that you have up here...and I just wanted to say that not only am I super glad that you're ok...but I also think you should be commended on being able to get thru it with such positive perspective. I'm fairly certain the "WHY ME???" question would come up for most people in your situation, but aside from a brief moment of uncertainty...you seem pretty grounded in all the positive things still happening for you in the background. You know...I don't remember you being so strong in your Faith back in the day. I think it's terrific!!!!

    I also think it's amusing that you want a baby. I want one too!!! =)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 28, 2004 at 11:21 PM  

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