Hey Yu!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

get away negative updates! here's one that's more happy.

the highlight of my day were the laughs i got during lunch. i usually let a bunch of kids sit in my room and kinda hang out away from the more "rough crowds" found in the outdoor cafeteria area. we have a lot of gangsta' kids and my more nerdy students don't fit in and get picked on. some of them like to play on the computers or just chat in the refuge of my room. today, there was so much giggling going on in the back of the room that i had to investigate. a bunch of the guys were on image.google.com and they were typing in things like "funny faces." i don't know who but middle school kids would think to do that, but i have to admit, the pictures were pretty funny and by golly, my kids were having a blast! they also typed in things like "poop" and "ms. Yu" and each other's names. not the best use of classroom computers, but it was nice to kick back and watch their absolute enjoyment.

i noticed a huge difference, though, between the boys and girls... granted, the girls i'm talking about now are not my typical tough, attitudy girls - they are the (very few) adorable sweet ones. When i saw them on the internet a few days ago, they too were searching for things on google images, but they typed in things like "kittens". I found them huddled around the monitor trying to pick out their favorite ones. soooo cute and innocent! these are the times that make me glad i teach in middle school.

but yeah, we're creating a whole new generation of google users at our school. it's so fascinating what an influence we can have in the little things.


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