Hey Yu!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

i'm back! after a LONG hiatus, i'm back to "normal" life...well, almost.

i just ended the strangest spring break i've ever had. i spent everyday in my pj's in front of my computer...and I even pulled an all-nighter on Thursday. I felt like i was re-living the studious college life i never had. when i finally overnight express my BOX on Tuesday, i'll be a happy, happy girl!

my BOX refers to my National Boards candidacy papers. People keep asking me what passing this would do for me and to be honest, i'm not quite sure. Because i work at an underprivileged school, I think there is some monetary benefit, but I am attempting it mainly because I think having the title will open doors for me to serve in other capacities w/in education. i could mentor new teachers, become a science coach, maybe give presentations...? this, or course, is all pending that I pass (and i think a LOT of teachers don't their first year applying). we'll see...

i'm crazy for attempting to complete this in my 4th year of teaching but i thought it'd be easier to do work outside of school now as opposed to later in life. but of course, it didn't matter at all because it just boiled down to my procrastination anyways. in one week, i was the most prolific writer i've ever been...i think i wrote 26 pages plus edited the 27 pages I had written before this week. i don't know how i did it except that i think my small group was praying a LOT for me. =) and the crazy thing was that it took me almost 8 hours after all the writing just to assemble the papers and documentation in the correct order and with the right cover sheets, etc. b/c they won't score it otherwise. so i'm not quite done b/c i have one more co-worker reading my papers for final edits, and then the box is due in the illinois office on March 31st (hence the need to overnight express).

i couldn't believe that i was as productive as i was but i was pretty sure i'd be resentful if i didn't do something vacation-y during this break...so today i went snowboarding. it was different than my first time. I think 2 things made me more frustrated - my boots the 1st time were WAY more comfortable and the powder at mammoth spoiled me rotten. At big bear, the snow was so much harder and a bit icy and my knees hurt after just a couple falls. It made me much more scared to fall, and I hated losing the fearlessness i had felt before. But overall, i think i made progress b/c i adjusted better than i thought i would. it's weird that everyone seems to hate this sport the first few times they go but still persist in trying to get better. i'm glad i liked it as much as i did the 1st time b/c it'll carry me thru the next couple times of painful experiences. it was also a little crazy of me to go w/ as little exercise as i've had in the last few months (none) and with as little sleep after my all-nighter. At least my spring break wasn't a total bust. =)

anyways, Happy Easter!


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